Client Reviews

We're proud of what we've achieved together.

I highly recommend Suely, I can’t even begin to explain how Suely changed my life, her Holistic coaching has helped me tremendously in just under a month. I feel so much better now, she has given me so much great advice and everything she has recommended has worked. It’s been years that I haven’t felt this way. Her Prayers are the best, and she is very welcoming. Thank you so much Suely.

Jessica D.

Prophetess Suely is a true women of God. I’m thankful for her being my life coach. Giving me sound advice, and praying for me. She was EXTREMELY accurate in everything she told me. If you’re looking for direction and just need a little help, advice, guidance, and prayer, she’s definitely the woman you need to talk to. I’m so grateful.


Prophetess Suely is a true Woman of God. Very precise and accurate, i am truly blessed to have her speak into my life i have seen tremendous amount of progress.. It was a pleasure having that one on one . God bless you Prophetess keep up the good work.🙏🙏❤❤


Suely is a great life coach, friend, and prayer warrior. She is truly everything above. She’s always there for me when I need her without a question. I am very appreciative of her. I love her.

Louise H.

Life coach Suely is an amazing coach! No words can describe how my life has evolved since my first session. Her coaching has impacted my life, family relationships and career. I have witnessed major transformation in my life and family during our time of crisis and turmoil she was there every step of the way. She has a heart of gold and extremely personable and trustworthy. Life coach Suely has the ability to access your situation quickly and give you concrete advice and a plan of action to move forward with confidence, growth and success. I highly recommend life coach Suely she is the complete package with a versatile skills professionalism, honesty and integrity focused your goals to see results within weeks! I wake up each day so very grateful for all you have done for me and my family!! THANK YOU!!!


Life Coach Suely is so inspirational.. she breathes life into you..I have never met someone so passionate about her clients!!

Kisha W.

A year before meeting life coach Suely my whole world as I knew it had flipped upside down. I was removed from my home and kids. While fighting and nasty divorce. My relationship with my family was being torn apart and my freedom was being jeopardize as well. It wasn’t until I was introduced to life coach Suely that things began to truly turn around for me. After having a spiritual and relationship session that’s when I really started to see change. I’m proud to say after two months after our first session. I finally got my house back the divorce is finally done and I’m spending more time with my kids. My relationship with God grew stronger as well my relationship with my family. Thank you Suely!!


Rejected by the Ones You Love

Unloved and unwanted by her drug-addicted parents, Suely Ramirez Diaz went from foster home to foster home, enduring emotional, physical, and sexual abuse at the hands of those purportedly trying to help. She entertained thoughts of suicide at the ages of 8 and 11, and had little hope for a brighter future. Yet instead of falling prey to the dark side, Ramirez-Diaz embraced the grace and love of her beloved Lord Jesus Christ and turned her life around.

By: Suely Ramirez

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Mon - Fri:   9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sat:   1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Sun:   Closed

*Hours Flexible, By Appointment Only

